Becoming trauma-informed

It’s important to emphasize that one workshop does not make someone trauma-informed. Hear from Carol Scott in this clip from a training video for Lifeline Tasmania. Alternatively, read the transcript below to learn our perspective on becoming trauma-informed.

I think I also want to reiterate that this is an ongoing lifelong thing. Like you don't just all of a sudden become trauma-informed. I've been doing it for ten years and there's still stuff I'm learning and it's still like it's like this constant. As long as you have a growth mindset and you're like, “Okay, I know this today, tomorrow I'm going to learn and apply.” And we all make mistakes. I was never perfect, and I'm still not at doing a trauma-informed thing. You just have to realize it's a process. Like today, attending here is a giant step forward and then you'll continue to learn and try to make an organization or group you work with. That's going to take time...this is not a race.


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